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The Parish of the Valley Lenten Study will dive into "Signs of Life: Why Church Matters," a five week study by the Society of St. John the Evangelist. 

Over the course of five weeks in Lent, we will examine five distinct themes: light, water, food, shelter, and community, in the light of scripture, the Christian liturgical tradition, and Christian spiritual practice. Through it, we seek to explore the deep meaning embedded in the Church’s sacraments, symbols and practices. 

The study will be held both in person and on Zoom - the material will be the same at both offerings.

In Person - Thursdays at 1pm at St. John's Eganville beginning February 22nd through March 21st.

On Zoom - Tuesdays at 7pm beginning February 20th through March 19th.

To join on Zoom, simply click this link, or copy and paste it into your browser:

Meeting ID: 838 5070 1878
Passcode: 663255

You can also dial one of these numbers, and then enter the meeting ID and passcode when prompted:
+1 438 809 7799 
+1 587 328 1099 
+1 647 374 4685