Annual congregational Vestry meetings happen across the Parish of the Valley from mid-February through mid-March. Our area parish is comprised of eleven congregational Vestries, which faithfully provide governance and oversight in keeping with our diocesan canons and bylaws for the parish's fifteen churches and chapels, three rectories, thirteen cemeteries, main office, and numerous other congregational ministries and organizations.
At the bottom of this page you will find available for download the Vestry Report packages for our congregational Vestry meetings. Please note that a digital copy of each report package will be added once the print copies are prepared by our office, typically one week prior to each meeting date.
For a listing of Vestry meeting times and locatons, please click here and scroll to the bottom of the document.
If you have any questions, or if you require a printed copy of a Vestry package, please contact our office at 613-732-4658 or