Welcome to Worship!

Please note: A printable schedule with detailed Sunday service times, locations, and officiant assignments from January to June 2025 is available for download at the bottom of this page.

Our main opportunity to gather together as a community of Christians is the Sunday worship service. Worship is the central thing that we do together as a community! Our worship services will either include Holy Communion (also called Eucharist), and will be led by one of the clergy, or will be a service of Morning Prayer led by a lay leader from our parish.

Here is an overview of when each church and chapel in our parish generally holds worship services. To confirm a specific worship time or location please always feel free to contact our main office by telephoning 613-732-4658 or by emailing office@valleyanglicans.ca. You can also subscribe to our email newsletter by entering your email below to receive a weekly update every Sunday morning at 6am which lists our service times and locations across the parish for that week.

Regular Services Times

Holy Trinity Church, Pembroke

Communion every Sunday morning at 8am and 10am (in the summer months, one service only at 9am)

Children's program is available during the Sunday 10am service. No children's program is offered during the summer months, however there is always a soft space available at the back of the sanctuary.

Communion is also celebrated every Wednesday at 10am.

All Saints Church, Petawawa

Communion every Sunday morning at 11:15am

Children's activities are available in the church.

St George's Church, South Alice

Communion every Sunday morning at 9:30am

St John the Evangelist Church, Eganville

Communion every Sunday morning at 11am

Children's activities are available in the church.

Church of the Ascension, Killaloe / St John's Tramore

Communion every Sunday morning at 9am. September-June in Killaloe, July and August in Tramore.

St Patrick's Stafford / St Stephen's Micksburg / St Thomas Rankin

Communion on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 9am, rotating between the three buildings.

St Paul's Church, Cobden

Services at 11am. Morning Prayer on the first and third Sundays of the month. Communion on the second, fourth and fifth Sundays of the month.

Church of the Epiphany, Barry's Bay

Services at 11am. Communion on the first, third and fifth Sundays of the month. Morning Prayer on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.

St Anthony's Church, Whitney

Communion on the first and third Sundays of the month at 9am. Meeting in homes in the winter months.

St Augustine's Chapel, Beachburg

Communion is celebrated on a quarterly basis. For dates and times please call our main office.

St Clement's Chapel, Clontarf

Communion is celebrated once per year, usually on the final Sunday in August at 2pm. For more information please call our main office. 

Holy Trinity Chapel, Madawaska

Communion is celebrated once per year in the early autumn. For more information please call our main office.