The congregation of Ascension Killaloe/St. John's Tramore will have its annual congregational vestry meeting following the 9am service on February 25 with Rev. Gillian chairing. You can download the Vestry meeting package by clicking here.
The congregation of St. George's South Alice will have its annual congregational vestry meeting following the 9:30am service on February 25 with Rev. Matthew chairing. You can download the Vestry meeting package by clicking here.
The congregations of Stafford, Micksburg, and Rankin will have their annual congregational vestry meetings following 1pm potluck lunch on February 25 with Rev. Matthew chairing. Location of lunch and vestries is Myles and Lucy Buttle's home (1369 Stoqua Creek Rd). You can download the Vestry meeting package by clicking here.