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The log church of St John’s Tramore was built in 1885. Fifteen years later, this structure was taken down and replaced with a frame building that was later covered with the stone you see today. Initially, a number of denominations shared the offering of services to the one congregation, however by 1927 only the Anglicans remained. 

In 1965/6 the congregation began worshipping together with the congregation in Killaloe. In 1982, the current system of services came in place and now the combined congregation worships at 9am in Tramore during the summer months, and at 9am in Killaloe the rest of the year. 

Spirited singing has always been a gift at St John Tramore, beginning in the days of the original foot-pump organ with bellows!

1486 Round Lake Road

Tramore, Ontario

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Service Times

Sundays at 9am in July and August