Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!
The Parish of the Valley clergy team is pleased to offer a celebration of the Holy Eucharist with prayers for spiritual communion on this Easter Sunday. Bishop Michael Bird is our presiding celebrant, Canon Susan Clifford is our preacher, Rev. Matthew Brown presides for the Liturgy of the Word and Rev. Rick Durrett is our reader and intercessor. Hymns are offered by Paula Lundrigan, organist at Holy Trinity Church in Pembroke. You can download the order of service and a copy of The Valley Bulletin by clicking on the links above.
This service will also air on Your TV Ottawa Valley on Sunday April 4, 2021 at 10am and 1:30pm.
To everyone across the Parish of the Valley: we hope you have a safe, healthy and joyous celebration of our Lord's resurrection. Happy Easter!