Welcome to worship for the Fourth Sunday after Pentecost! This week, in addition to our typical service of Morning Prayer, we're pleased to be sharing in worship with our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Shane Parker, as we commemorate National Indigenous Day (June 21st) and Bishop Shane formally receives a member of our parish, Wendy Cayen, into the Anglican Communion.
For our service today, Bishop Michael Bird leads us through the prayers, Wendy Cayen offers our readings, Rev. Rick Durrett reads the gospel, and Rev. Gillian Hoyer leads our prayers of the people. Bishop Shane Parker preaches, reflecting on the story of David and Goliath and the story of Jesus calming the storm, and drawing us into the uneasy history and present day of our church's relationships with Indigenous People across this land.
Join us in the singing of two hymns, led by the keys and violin trio of Sharon Cybulski (Ascension/St John's), Anne Burns (Ascension/St John's) and Pia Voorand (Epiphany).
You can download the order of service, and a copy of The Valley Bulletin from the links above. This service will also air on Your TV Ottawa Valley on Sunday June 20, 2021 at 10am and 1:30pm.
We hope you will take a few moments and join our Parish of the Valley in prayer, and then join us at 11am on Sunday for Valley Zoom Coffee Hour with our Bishop.