Worship both in-person and online continues to happen across the Parish of the Valley, with in-person worship happening according to the COVID Guidelines of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa and the Province of Ontario.
The Parish of the Valley is a big parish, with each church and church community having different contexts, and so there is no one-size-fits-all response to the COVID Guidelines.
Please see the following COVID Guidelines for in-person worship across the Parish at this time. Check back, as guidelines may change as circumstances change in particular parts of the Parish, particularly for Christmas Services.
At this time, due to capacity restrictions, proof of vaccination is required to attend services at Church of the Epiphany, Barry’s Bay and Church of the Ascension, Killaloe. For services at all other churches in the Parish, proof of vaccination is not required and a capacity limit of 30% is in place to ensure physical distancing (for capacity limits, please see here).
For all of our churches, the wearing of masks remains mandatory at all times (except for when receiving Communion). All who attend are asked to provide their names and contact information for the purposes of contact tracing.